Boat Painting

Boat Painting
This was a picture I painted in 2009. For more of my art, click on More Art in November, 2010. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Individual Water Purification System

This is a link to the Google Science Fair submission page, in which me and my group have submitted an entry. Our topic is on creating a water purification system so that instead of dumping all the "used" water into the oceans, we can purify them so that the water can be reused. This way, water and money can be conserved. After running 10 gallons of water, fish compost, and shampoo through the system (this process only took 45 minutes, and 99.57% of the water we put in was recycled), we tested our water's purity against some of the leading water sources of today: reverse-osmosis system, tap water, and bottled water. Some of the results just might surprise you.

You may also notice that the video bar above has included a new video, which you can also view at the link above. It is footage on exactly how our test looked like, with each and every stage.

Anyways, check it out!



  2. lol good luck guys. i think you guys will win. is there a national competition after that?

  3. Oh yes. I forgot to mention that this project won 1st place in the Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair and we (Tarun, Maisam, and I) are representing that fair in the California State Science Fair in Los Angeles on May 2nd and 3rd. Wish us luck!

  4. wow. incredible numbers: I've never heard of a system that can purify water as dirty as that to something as pure as the level of contamination you guys had with amazing water efficiency (what was it, 99.7%?) and all in under 45 minutes!

    haha... if you guys decide to sell this thing call me! i'll be the first one to buy it.

  5. booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrinnggg... pleez more articles that aren't about scientific junk.
