Boat Painting

Boat Painting
This was a picture I painted in 2009. For more of my art, click on More Art in November, 2010. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Note: Blog Changes

As many of you may have noticed, the title of this blog has changed from "Welcome To My World" to "iEpiphany!". Complimenting this change of title will be a new URL. To allow time for most of this website's followers to be informed about the new URL, the address will be changed on Friday, April 1st, 2011. The website will be moved from to

There have also been some changes to the blog. Due to popular request, you can now share posts that you are especially interested in with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Google Buzz, etc.

And last but certainly not least, I'd like to hank everybody for making this website so popular! Not only does it have 12,817 views (and increasing growing every day), but it has regular views from around the world, including views from all the continents other than Antarctica (sorry, no penguin views yet).

So once again, thank you all and keep on checking back on iEpiphany! for more food for the mind-whether it takes the form of an article, a piece of art, or a video.


  1. ya i like the new title. GOOD IDEA :)

  2. what's with the "i"? now it's everywhere...

  3. If you guys have noticed, I've been posting pretty short thoughts/articles recently. I plan to mainly do this from now on, with the occasional long article. However, I will be posting much more often now :)

  4. more posts is always better, isn't it :DDD

  5. KOOORRREEEAAA >:) just to add that in.

  6. as mrs. mccarroll would do, shake my head silently at David and look away :D

  7. yay like the new sharing through gmail or facebook system. who's with me? now if only we could get a "like" or "dislike" system...

  8. totally agree!!!!
